Sing Inside is run by a small but growing executive team, and working with freelance music leaders, accompanists and singers across the country to deliver our work.
Find out more about how to apply for vacant roles here and contact us on info@singinside.org with any questions.

We're currently seeking freelance musicians - both workshop leaders and accompanists - to lead Sing Inside workshops across the country.
We ask our freelance musicians to undergo our musical leadership training and commit to our pedagogy model, as well as sometimes observe a session in prison to understand the environment if it is unfamiliar to you. We're especially keen to recruit musicians in Liverpool, Lancaster, Oxfordshire and York, or to hear from leaders willing to travel to work in these areas. Sing Inside pays our musical leaders between £150 - £200 per session, depending on the length of workshop, and will cover all travel expenses and overnight stays where necessary.

If you're a workshop or choir leader or a community pianist looking to try working in a new and different environment, we would love to hear form you. Please fill out an expression of interest form and email it to us on info@singinside.org, and we will get in touch to discuss upcoming opportunities.