Find out some key info about how we work and what we do. We have grouped our FAQs into 4 videos - the typical structure of a visit; the musical side of our work; what volunteering with us is like; and how you can partner with us if you work at a prison, or want to set up a local hub.
If you have any questions that aren't answered here, email Kate, our head of volunteer engagement, on kate@singinside.org, or DM us on Facebook and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.

What happens on a typical visit?
Find out about a standard day-long visit with Sing Inside - including how we get there, what happens when we arrive, and what to expect from the day.

Music and singing FAQs
Find out about the musical side of our workshops, including the kind of music we teach and perform, and whether you need to be an experienced singer to join us.

Volunteering FAQs
Watch this video to find out about how we prepare volunteers for the prison environment, communication tips, and what we include in our security briefings.

Partnering with us
If you work at a prison and would like to book Sing Inside to come and deliver some workshops, or you want to volunteer with us but we don't yet work in your area, watch this video to find out how we can expand and work alongside you.